Teaching staff
Collegium Da Vinci Rector
Marek Zieliński PhD, DSc
Marek Zieliński PhD, DSc
Collegium Da Vinci rectorexpandAbout me
expandA graduate from Management Faculty and Pedagogical Interdepartmental Studies at Poznań University of Economics and Business. In 2008, he defended his doctoral dissertation entitled Shaping of communication processes between participants of fairs, and in December 2019 he was conferred a postdoctoral degree in social sciences in the major of management and quality sciences. From December 2020 to September 2022, he worked as an academic professor in Marketing Institute, Department of Marketing Strategies at Poznań University of Economics and Business.
expandIn his scientific work, he focuses on business relations (member of IMP Group) that he researched from the point of view of trust, knowledge sharing and adaptation. Current research concerns the role and meaning of new technologies (AI, IoT) in relations. As a grant holder of three scientific grants and the member of numerous projects (among other things, National Research and Development Centre), he gained experience in the management of research teams.
expandHe is a supervisor of over 150 BA and over 170 postgraduate dissertations. He gave lectures and held classes within a full-time and part-time, first and second degree, post- graduate and MBA programs (he was the head of Marketing and Sales Management module in Executive MBA program and Marketing Management and Strategy in MBA Atlanta at Poznań University of Economics and Business).
expandHe gained international experience during numerous internships in foreign academic centres within Erasmus programs (among other places, in France, Belgium, Italy and Germany). As a Visiting Professor, he completed an internship and held classes at Meiji University (Tokyo, Japan), ESCP (Berlin, Germany), ELTE (Budapest, Hungary) and SRH Hochschule (Heidelberg, Germany).
expandMarek Zieliński successfully combines his scientific career with business. For over 20 years, he has provided consulting and training services, as well as conducted research projects for companies operating on B2B market. He managed training and consulting programs.
Krzysztof Patkowski, PhD
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Doradztwo i Coaching
Krzysztof Patkowski, PhD
Dean for the Realization of Education of the Faculty of Applied SciencesexpandHe graduated from the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism at AMU. Specializations: political marketing and journalism. He is also a graduate of doctoral studies at the Faculty of Political Sciences at Adam Mickiewicz University. Author of a doctoral dissertation written under the supervision of prof. dr hab. Józef Orczyk, devoted to the problems of privatization in the Visegrad Group countries, with particular emphasis on the political and ideological aspects of this process.
expandScientific interests are focused on the problems of systemic transformation in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe after 1989, shaping the party system in these countries and the revival of civil society. His academic interests also include issues related to public relations and political marketing.
expandBeing mountains lover he tries to spend his free time hiking in the mountains throughout Europe, recently also in the company of his son Mikołaj.
Alicja Rytelewska, BEng, PhD
Alicja Rytelewska, BEng, PhD
Deputy Dean for the Realization of Education of the Faculty of Applied SciencesexpandAbout me
expandAbout me
Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Graduate of Poznan University of Technology and Poznan University of Economics. She also studied management and marketing at NHL Hogesschool in the Netherlands. In 2013 she defended her dissertation, written at the Department of Labor and Social Policy of the EU in Poznań, on the competencies of managers and their impact on the economic performance of IT companies. Since 2004, she has been an academic lecturer, teaching in Poland and abroad. Her academic and research interests revolve around issues related to human resource management in companies and organization development. In her publications and monograph published in 2015, she addresses issues related to the competence and qualifications of employees, their development and the impact of the human factor on the performance of enterprises. She has been a participant and co-organizer of many national and international conferences.
expandShe has been involved in business for more than a dozen years. She also gained professional experience by running her own business in the field of management, people management or talent development.
Tomasz Tyksiński, PhD
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Information Technology
Tomasz Tyksiński, PhD
Deputy Dean for the InternationalisationDepartment of Information Technology and Data Analysis
Agnieszka Walczak
Agnieszka Walczak
Head of the Department of Computer Science and Data AnalysisexpandAbout me
expandLinguist, lecturer, teacher, specialist in project management and team building.
expandMA in English Philology at the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań and a graduate of postgraduate studies in project management, management in education and new technologies in education and training. Certified Design Thinking moderator. Member of IATEFL Poland. She deepened her knowledge and skills through participation in trainings and courses, including agile project management methodologies, coaching, tutoring and content marketing.
expandShe shared her experience by designing and conducting trainings and writing popular science articles, incl. on the use of new technologies and agile project management methodologies in education. She managed project teams in state institutions as well as service and sales in the private sector.
expandI’m curious about
expand..what the world would look like if the current educational rules were turned upside down. I am passionate about modern education and building relationships in teams.
expandPrivately, I devote myself to exploring the world through travel and literature, contact with other people without the mediation of the Internet, and gardening and interior design in mini versions.
Tomasz Tyksiński, PhD
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Information Technology
Tomasz Tyksiński, PhD
Deputy Dean for the InternationalisationKlaudia Bączyk-Lesiuk Ph.D.
LecturerAbout me
expandDoctor of Humanities, literary scholar, journalist, teacher of Polish as a foreign language.
expandGraduate of Polish philology (specialization: journalism and teaching) from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, in 2014 she defended her doctoral thesis with honors at the University of Wroclaw
expandAuthor of the book Creations of Judas in Polish prose of the 20th and early 21st centuries, as well as scholarly articles on comparative studies and glottodidactics.
expandShe has taught at the University of Wroclaw and the V. Stefanyk Carpathian National University, as well as Polish language classes at educational institutions in Ivano-Frankivsk and Odessa. She has been involved in education at various levels for more than a dozen years.
I’m curious about
expandHer main research interests are: international and intercultural communication, Polish language glottodidactics, bilingualism in the Polish-Ukrainian environment, and contemporary apocryphal literature. Privately, she is a lover of: travel (preferably with a backpack), Marvel movies and board games.
Jerzy Weres MSc, Phd, Professor
ProfessorexpandAbout me
expandA graduate of the Poznań University of Technology (1969-1974) in the field of applications of mathematics in mechanics. He received his degrees of doctor (1979) and habilitated doctor (1992) and the title of professor (2002) in the area of computational science and technology. He represents the field of engineering and technical sciences within the disciplines of: technical information technology and telecommunications as well as mechanical engineering. Language skills: Polish (native), English, French and Russian.
expandHe gained professional experience as an assistant professor at the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (1974-1980), as a professor at the Department of Applied Computer Science of the Institute of Biosystems Engineering at the University of Life Sciences in Poznań (1980-2017), where he was the head of the Department, deputy director of the Institute for science, head of the university’s IT Center, and the Rector’s representative for networks and information systems. He continues his research and teaching at Collegium Da Vinci, with which he has been associated since 2001, initially as WSNHiD. He also worked at foreign universities – in France (doctoral fellowship at École Centrale, Nantes), Canada (visiting researcher at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg) and the United States (visiting researcher at Purdue University, West Lafayette and University of Florida, Gainesville).
expandThe greatest scientific achievements: 1) development of integrated methods for the production of advisory Internet applications for the needs of agri-food and forest management using semantic networks and 3D modeling, 2) development of original algorithms and comprehensive software for the analysis of heat and water transport processes in biomaterials, 3) development of inverse analysis algorithms to identify unknown properties of investigated products.
expandHe is the author of numerous original works. Hirsch index according to Web of Science: 16, number of citations: 544. Leading publications: Weres J., Kujawa S., Olek W., Czajkowski Ł. 2016. Integration of experimental and computational methods for identifying geometric, thermal and diffusive properties of biomaterials. International Agrophysics 30(2): 253-260 and Weres J., Olek W., Kujawa S. 2009; Comparison of optimization algorithms for inverse FEA of heat and mass transport in biomaterials. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 47(3): 701-716.
expandHe participated in many research projects of such programs and grant agencies as EC 7th Framework Program (“A common data exchange system for agricultural systems – agriXchange” and “FI-PPP project supporting SMEs in the development of smart services and applications for the agri-food sector – SmartAgriFood2″), COST Action, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, NSERC, NCN, etc. Participant, organizer and chairman of scientific schools and international conferences.
expandHe promoted 12 doctors, made 6 reviews for the title of professor, 1 for the title of doctor honoris causa, 19 for the degree of habilitated doctor, 28 for the degree of doctor.
expandHe cooperates with companies from the IT sector. Designed and implemented IT systems and computer networks in didactic and scientific units and agri-food enterprises. He organized and conducted two editions of nationwide training conferences of the Center for the Promotion of Information Technology in Warsaw: “IT Support for University Management – Review of practical solutions”. He has been cooperating with the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center since 1993 in the creation and development of IT infrastructure in the Poznań environment, and participates in training and conferences organized by the Poznań Center (gave lectures: “Tools and services for smart agriculture and food processing”, “Integrated system for supporting determination and analysis of geometric, thermal and diffusive properties of agri-food and forest products”, “Development of IT infrastructure and data processing technology in the light of future challenges in agriculture and food production”).
expandHe is involved in work on the boards of international scientific societies in the field of computer science, such as EFITA, CIGR (IT Section), ASABE, IEEE and ACM, he was also a member of the Computational Sciences Section of the Computer Science Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
expandI’m curious about
expandMemories of Far East cruises, great oceans and Conrad’s seven green isles keep coming back – I graduated from the State Maritime School in Gdynia (1964-1967), and I sailed on ships of the Polish Ocean Lines (1967-1969).
expandI am passionate about painting, sculpture and architecture, as well as literature, history and philosophy of science. I am drawn to processing photographs and my own videos.
expandIt is a great challenge, but also a great joy for me to return to sports I once practiced competitively.
Adam Czajka, BEng, PhD
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Information Technology
Adam Czajka, BEng, PhD
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandIn 1997 he graduated with honors from Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Computer Science. He defended his doctorate in the field of “Real Time Systems” in 2000. Member of the Polish Information Technology Society and the American ACM (Association for Computer Machinery, USA). He is an enthusiast of the Business Model Canvas methodology. He was the mentor for startups during “IBM SmartCamp 2014” – IBM Global Entrepreneur program (Warsaw, Poland). His area of interest is wide and includes primarily: Docker microservices, Microsoft.NET, C #, image processing and modern Internet and mobile applications (including IoT and Cloud applications). He participated in the creation of the human eye registration system of the Swedish company Permobil Meditech AB (Sundsvall, Sweden) and the audience viewing system produced by the German company MediaScore GmbH (Cologne, Germany). Currently, he is the CTO (Chief Technology Officer) in the German company Di Support GmbH (Frankfurt, Germany) and the Managing Director in the Polish software branch of this company. He has been working at Collegium da Vinci since 2003. He lectures for students in the field of object-oriented programming. In her free time, she loves to play board games with sons.
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Information Technology
Jarosław Kowalczyk
LecturerAbout me
expandThe dean’s representative for Game and Interactive Media Design at Collegium Da Vinci and lecturer at the Communication Design department at the School of Form in Poznań. Artistic director with many years of experience in the computer games industry in the United States. He worked, among others on the world’s hit games: Medal of Honor and Call of Duty. His experience and interests cover a wide range of game production, in particular: graphic art for games, organization of teamwork and production systems. He lectured and led the Game Art and Design department at the Art Institute in Los Angeles. His best students currently work in the most renowned computer game companies such as Bilzzard, Infinity Ward, Treyarch, Electronic Arts and CD Project Red.
I am curious
expandI am fascinated by human nature – everything that determines our ups and downs. This knowledge is also useful when designing games and UX, or player’s experience. My real passion is conceptual painting for games (concept art).
Małgorzata Tadeusz-Ciesielczyk
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Małgorzata Tadeusz-Ciesielczyk
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandCertified behavioral profiler (certification in Association of Behavior Detection & amp; Analysis), trainer, expert in shaping image credibility based on natural non-verbal communication.
expandIn the discipline of social communication and media
expandCertified expert in body language and facial micro-expression, training in, among others Paul Ekman Group (USA), Institute of Nonverbal Communication (Warsaw), Institute of Nonverbal Communication (Austria).
expandCourious about
expandThe human body that responds is inscrutable, gives birth to that we cannot communicate in harmony with others, we can vote with ourselves.
expandI decided to enjoy the workshop, how to make naturalness in voting workshops, earning a tool, an expert that I drew from drawing from people, a gift that I drew from the workshop Durable in accordance with the success of further shaping the image dignity based on naturalness and freedom in the very same quality of development.
expandI am also fascinated by human emotions, people by non-verbal communication, discovering freedom and naturalness in the way of ordering others and speaking to others in accordance with the same.
Lidia Typańska-Czajka, PhD
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Lidia Typańska-Czajka, PhD
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandI am a doctor of mathematical sciences in the field of mathematics, specializing in mathematical logic. The title of my doctoral dissertation is: The lattice of extensions of relevant logic by E.
expandAt CDV I run classes, among others in logic and set theory, mathematical statistics or number theory in security.
Tibor Vörös
Tibor Vörös
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandTibor Vörös has over 20 years experience in both academic and corporate environments. He is an enthusiastic and curious individual, who has explored areas ranging from medical approaches and robotics to corporate financial processes. Tibor’s work is mostly related to information systems, and he has taught related topics across the world (Hungary, Poland, Germany, China, India, USA, etc.). Among other items, Tibor spent considerable time on complex finance-driven business simulations and created unique storyboards to help participants experience real life problems in classroom situations. CEEMAN has selected Mr Vörös as the winner of the Innovation in Course Design category for the Champions’ Award 2010. Tibor also took part in various industry campaigns and mid-size EU projects. One may meet him on cross-country runs or trying his skates (old Bladerunners) on the bike paths of Poznan.
Vitalii Kotsovskyi
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandI am a graduate of computer engineering (BSc), internet marketing (MA) and Frontend Developer postgraduate studies.
expandMy previous professional path focused on work related to IT which allowed me to gain advanced technical knowledge.
expandAt work, I always strive to achieve my goals which is important to me because I am an ambitious and determined person. My colleagues also appreciate my punctuality and responsibility, which makes me trustworthy.
expandNow, as a lecturer, my experiences in technology provide a solid foundation for sharing knowledge and supporting the development of younger generations. My passion for learning and imparting knowledge is now the main focus of my professional path.
Maciej Szymkowski
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandM.Sc. B.Sc. Eng in Computer Science. He is keen on artificial intelligence and digital signal processing and analysis (especially in the field of cybersecurity). Right now, he is a Senior R&D Scientist in Łukasiewicz – Poznań Institute of Technology, research assistant at Białystok University of Technology and lecturer at Collegium da Vinci in Poznań. He is interested in new technologies. His work was summarized with 33 research publications and 8 non-scientific papers as well as plenty of successfully completed projects (also funded by European Union) and tasks. He loves to increase his knowledge by participating in Conferences as well as reading papers and books. Privately, he is a fan of football, ice hockey, travel and the proud owner of Commodore 64 (on which he still loves to create software).
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Information Technology
Piotr Jaszczak
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandI am a graduate of the Faculty of Management at the Poznań University of Economics, majoring in Management, with a specialization in Enterprise Management.
expandFor nearly 30 years I was associated with an IT company, where I worked in managerial positions – Service Manager, Service Department Director, Director of IT Services and Support. I created a network of 14. branches of the company and managed a team of 130. employees throughout the country. I am the author of many executive processes and procedures, resulting from ISO 9001 and ISO 20000 guidelines and managed projects, among others. I carried out many changes in the department I managed and mapped the most important processes underlying the company’s service operations. As a project manager, I managed more than 40. nationwide projects related to information technology. I have also implemented service quality management systems based on the assumptions of ISO 9001 and ISO 20000 standards.
expandFor more than 15 years I have been conducting trainings, lectures, exercises and workshops. I share my experience and knowledge with everyone who wants to improve their competence in service, quality, project, change or process management.
Mateusz Samson
LecturerAbout me
expandCurrently, I am a data analyst running my own business in this field and the broader environmental field. I have a master’s degree in environmental protection. For the past 6 years I have been involved in the analysis of environmental data related to global warming. The experience and knowledge gained over these years in this field allowed me to open a doctoral thesis related to micrometeorological data.
expandTo date, my greatest achievement has been working with the European Space Agency on lidar data analysis.
expandMy professional goal is to become a recognized person in the Data Science world. And in business to create my own team of Data Scientists, analyzing complex issues.
I’m curious about
expandMost of the time besides Data science and technological innovations in data analysis, my daily life is filled with music and “bachata sensual” dance classes in couples as well as solo. This is a fresh passion that causes me to breathe for a while and focus on my physical development as well as maintaining my mental fitness, which is important in this industry from my point of view.
expandOn a more personal note, the time I spend with my daughter makes me get up every other day smiling.
expandBardziej prywatnie, czas spędzany z córką sprawia, iż każdego kolejnego dnia wstaję uśmiechnięty.
Katarzyna Szybiak
Katarzyna Szybiak
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandShe graduated with a degree in mathematics from Poznan University of Technology. She majored in mathematical modeling and data analysis, and her thesis was on population growth over time. She gained experience in banking and education, where she used alternative forms of teaching. She has conducted trainings for teachers on Frenetic methods. She has been a participant in, among other things, a forum for sharing experiences inspired by alternative pedagogy and a congress of innovative mathematics teachers.
Szymon Maćkowiak Ph.D.
Szymon Maćkowiak Ph.D.
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandA graduate of the Poznan University of Technology. Doctor of physics, engineer and software developer. To date, he has worked as a school and university teacher, software engineer and private entrepreneur. His scientific interests are mainly related to computational physics and computers. He has experience in creating computer simulations of many-body systems, processing data using machine learning techniques, and in computer image processing. In addition, he conducts workshops on programming for children.
expandI’m curious about
expandOutside of physics and computers, he enjoys history, especially biographies of scientists and learning about the circumstances under which they came to important discoveries. She enjoys listening to podcasts and audiobooks in the atmosphere of cloak-and-dagger novels while driving, on walks or just in her free time.
Przemysław Matejko
Przemysław Matejko
LecturerAbout me
Wojciech Roszka Ph.D.
LecturerAbout me
expandAcademic teacher, statistician, data analyst, graduate of the Poznan University of Economics. My research interests are mainly related to statistical data integration, as well as spreading my wings in applied statistics. My scientific research is mainly related to scientific productivity using administrative, micro-data sets.
I’m curious about
expandI am interested in physical cosmology in general and am a bookworm . I like all-inclusive vacations, junk food and unhealthy lifestyles. Well, and tea. Tea with sugar without lemon.
Michał Sajkowski, BEng, PhD
Michał Sajkowski, BEng, PhD
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandMichał Sajkowski holds a PhD in technical sciences in the discipline of computer science, in the specialty of computer networks.
expandHe is an adjunct at the Faculty of Information Technology and Visual Communication. He lectures and laboratories in the sphere of computer networks.
expandDr. Sajkowski’s research interests concern the engineering of computer network protocols.
Przemysław Starosta
Przemysław Starosta
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandI am a database specialist, programming and data analysis trainer and IT project manager. I have worked with companies such as GSK, T-Mobile, Lidl, Volvo and Santander Bank. You can also get to know me through courses and publications on helion or udemy.
expandProfessionally, I’m interested in every topic related to data – from simple reports through ETL and BigData, ending with process modeling using machine learning.
expandAt the intersection of professional life and passion is education. I enjoy learning, looking for new ways to learn and teach others. Education seduces me.
expandW kwestii zawodowej interesuje się każdym tematem związanym z danymi – od prostych raportów poprzez ETL i BigData, kończąc na modelowaniu procesów z wykorzystaniem machine learning.
expandNa styku życia zawodowego i pasji jest edukacja. Lubię się uczyć, szukam nowych sposobów uczenia się i uczenia innych. Edukacja mnie uwodzi.
Łukasz Szałankiewicz
Łukasz Szałankiewicz
LecturerexpandSound artist, member of the Polish Society for Contemporary Music. In his work he focuses equally on the visual and musical spheres. His artistic activity also oscillates around interactive installations. He has many years of curatorial experience, both as a curator of the audio-visual series at the Łaźnia Gdańsk Center for Contemporary Art (2007-2015) and as a participant in many international projects. He is the co-founder of the Audiotong publishing house and platform. In 2016-2017, he worked as a curator of special projects, with a particular focus on the promotion of computer games and interactive media at the Polish Cultural Institute in New York. Creator of the digital culture module at the Faculty of Graphics at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. Deals with the issue of audio in interactive media at Poznan’s Collegium Da Vinci at the Faculty of Computer Science and Visual Communication.
Robert Tomczak, BEng, PhD
Robert Tomczak, BEng, PhD
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandA graduate of Poznan University of Life Sciences: the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. Specialization: information technology in Agricultural engineering.
expandHe defended his PhD thesis on the analysis of a complex acoustic signal with the use of neural networks in 2008. His scientific interests include issues related to artificial intelligence, neural networks and their practical use as well as the effective use of modern information technologies. In the years 2001-2013, the administrator of network and information systems, the coordinator for the security of networks and information systems (on behalf of the Rector) at Poznan University of Life Sciences. He also dealt with others designing solutions and administering server, network and access systems for the university.
expandCurious about:
expandIn addition to science, he deals with the implementation of security systems and the management of computer systems and networks. Passionate about Free Software and creativity on open licenses. He devotes free time to photography, vehicle mechanics, network security analyses and network systems.
Maciej Zakrzewicz, BEng, PhD, DSc
Maciej Zakrzewicz, BEng, PhD, DSc
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandSpecializes in database systems, data mining, internet application architecture, Java programming, design and implementation of information systems, e-commerce, e-government, data warehouses, data analysis.
expandHe conducts research, designs and implements IT trainings, develops IT strategies, manages IT projects, and organizes IT conferences.
expandHe is the author of about 100 publications, including in the field of discovering frequent collections, processing of exploration queries, adaptive web servers, database indexing techniques, tuning of database systems, Java standards for databases and for multi-layer applications.
Artur Górnik
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandFor more than 20 years I have been combining data processing technologies with their practical use in business.
expandIn order to maintain a neutral and independent view of IT, I have gained experience both as an evangelist of innovation on the side of manufacturers (including SAP, Microsoft, Oracle) and being an end user (mainly in the banking sector).
expandI am a graduate of Warsaw universities: the Polish-Japanese Academy of Computer Technology and the Academy of Military Arts.
Dominika Grajewska
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandA graduate of Adam Mickiewicz University, majoring in computer science. On a daily basis, she works with Allegro, where she is involved in data processing and analysis. She spends her free time teaching difficult computer science issues related to machine learning and visualization of ML algorithms.
Dominik Jagiełło
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandA graduate of Journalism and Social Communication at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan and Management at the University of Economics, having worked his way from marketing to IT project management.
expandCurrently, Project Manager and Team Leader at a Poznan-based company coordinating projects for recognized brands.
expandIn his free time, he goes the extra mile walking with his beagle, Wega, or listens to the sounds coming from vinyl records.
Wojciech Popiela
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandWith my team, I deliver value to businesses by increasing the usability and conversion of digital products. I advise brands, both small and large.
expandI run Webmetric agency, in my role as CEO and chief UX expert.
expandIn my more than 13 years of experience, I have learned about business on many levels. I have programmed, designed digital products, managed projects as well as entire technology start-ups. I have worked with Bauer Media, Komputronik, Neonail, sprawny.marketing and Eurocash, among others.
expandIn addition, I run an educational channel as well as webinars and lectures on UX topics. I focus on a human approach, a smile and authenticity in business, even with the biggest challenges.
expandI’m curious about
expandProfessionally: Complexity of human cognitive processes, planet centric design, dark patterns (or more precisely, their identification and combating in the business space).
expandPrivately: Translation of pop culture works into Polish, collectible figurines, vegetarian cuisine
Robert Tyma M.Sc. Eng.
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandGraduate of Automation and Robotics at Poznan University of Technology. A didactician by choice, passionate about electronics. Specialist in the field of embedded systems. Promoter of Arduino and Raspberry Pi platforms. He is also active in industry and business, where he uses his knowledge to carry out the prototyping process of devices. He has several commercially deployed solutions to his credit, where he worked as a prototype engineer.
Dawid Matuszewski
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandI create games, manage teams, and lead the business layer of projects. Mostly I create: mobile games and indie games, but not only.
expandI have been associated with our university since 2018, and despite the passage of time, I do not lack energy for activities.
expandI’m curious about
expandIn addition to game development itself and analyzing mechanics, I am also interested in relationships and development phenomena – so I am always up to date on what best mobilizes students to action and what approach to learning to use.
expandI enjoy organizing all sorts of events, so that every year we organize our original gamejam – MageJam, game tournaments, industry meetings and training/workshops.
Michał Żarnecki
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandHe has been involved in programming for more than 10 years. Initially, he was involved in the development of mobile applications and cloud-based ERP and CRM systems.
expandCurrently, as a technical leader at CompanyHouse.de, he designs big data mining systems using machine learning algorithms and big data and data science solutions.
Magdalena Ignaczak
Psychologist, counselor, trainerexpandAbout me
expandThe purpose of her work in all the areas she deals with is to share current knowledge and experience with people and entities focused on development, giving inspiration for change and improvement, strengthening positive thinking and also a proactive attitude. She is guided by the conviction that living with passion gives the greatest satisfaction and fulfillment in both professional and personal spheres.
expandHer coaching experience includes more than 4,000 hours of commercial training – delivered for businesses and public administration. She is a specialist in the areas of image building, managing diverse teams and internal communication, managerial skills and interpersonal competencies relevant to professional work. She is passionate about multiculturalism and diversity issues.
expandShe is an active and appreciated academic lecturer, and her main asset is her extensive business and administrative experience, so she implements practical classes on business and human resource management, psychology, image building, labor market requirements and entrepreneurship – more than 3,000 hours.
expandHer education and professional experience allow her to realize a wide range of psychological, professional and career path building counseling. In this regard, she has implemented about 5,000 hours of meetings for owners and employees of SMEs, teachers and employees of the education sector, employees and volunteers of organizations supporting the disabled, students, job seekers, as well as young people.
Weronika Dopierała-Kalińska
Weronika Dopierała-Kalińska
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandA graduate of journalism and social communication, currently a doctoral student in social communication sciences and media at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, from March 2018 to August 2020 a specialist in promotion and social media services in the Office of the Mayor of Poznań City Hall (Promotion Branch and Press Office), a member of the editorial board of the scientific journal Com.press and the Polish Society for Social Communication (Forum of Young Media and Communication Scientists).
expandProfessionally and academically, I deal with the media, especially the processes taking place in the network, I am fascinated by the new possibilities of communication.
Agnieszka Rau
Agnieszka Rau
Practicality Center specialist, career counselor ICF CoachexpandAbout me
expandGraduate of Journalism and Social Communication and Counseling and Coaching. She is accredited by the International Coach Federation at the ACC level. She performs the profession of an academic teacher at Collegium Da Vinci in Poznań, a career counselor, soft skills trainer and coach. For more than 10 years, she has been involved in conducting additional classes for young people aged 13-18 aimed at developing the competencies of young people in the creation of a theatrical performance. She has a pedagogical background. Among other things, she trains in techniques of self-presentation and public speaking.
expandIn her daily work she focuses on supporting the other person and building awareness of strengths. She delves into issues related to developing habits. Creates educational materials for students.
Sylwia Polcyn Ph.D.
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandGraduated from the Faculty of Economic and Social Studies at the University of Life Sciences in Poznań in the field of Social Policy, from the Faculty of Educational Studies at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań in the field of Pedagogy specializing in care and educational pedagogy, and from the Faculty of Pedagogy specializing in career and personal counseling. In 2016, I completed postgraduate studies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan in Integrated Preschool and Early Childhood Education, and in 2021 I completed postgraduate studies in Educational Management. Since 2013 I was a doctoral student at the Department of General Didactics at the Faculty of Educational Studies, while since 2017 I was a teacher-educator at the School Bursa No. 1 in Poznań and an assistant at the Academy of Humanities and Economics in Łódź. I received my doctorate at the Faculty of Educational Studies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań in 2018 with the thesis “Multimedia educational games in early childhood education” under the supervision of Professor Andrzej Ćwikliński and Dr. Mariusz Przybyła. I am a member of the Polish Pedagogical Society o. Poznań and a member of the working group entitled: Youth and its problems in the educational environment under the direction of Prof. Dr. Andrzej Ćwikliński of the Team of Youth Pedagogy at KNP PAN.
expandI am also the author and co-author of numerous scientific and popular science articles related to the application of new media in the educational process at different levels of education, the dangers of modern technologies and media.
Alicja Migda
Alicja Migda
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandDesigner with more than 16 years of experience. On a daily basis she works as a Senior Product Designer / Team Leader – with web and mobile applications. In addition, as a UX consultant, she supports several software houses. He conducts trainings, workshops and webinars on the topic of Product Design. Ambassador of the topic of accessible digital product design
Beata Użarowska
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandGraduate of the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism at UAM, majoring in journalism and social communication, specializing in new media. She is currently a doctoral student at the Doctoral School of Social Sciences at UAM in the discipline of political science and administration. She is a member of the Polish Society of Social Communication and the editorial board of the scientific journal Com.press. From 2013 to 2021, she was actively involved in the student editorial board of the TV program Academic Courier, where, among other things, she served as deputy editor-in-chief, publisher, reporter and host. Since 2016, she has been involved in the Poznań Oral History Archive, where she creates historical notations, documentaries, reports and other film forms.
Katarzyna Dadek
Katarzyna Dadek
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandI have been programming professionally since 2014. The main focus is on JavaScript-based technologies (Node.js / React.js). I participate in projects conducted in methodologies such as Scrum, Kanban and Extreme Programming. I graduated from Creative Management at CDV and since then I have been developing my skills also in areas such as project management, UX and UI design.
Filip Napierała M.Sc. Eng.
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandGraduate of Automation and Robotics at the Electrical Engineering Faculty of Poznań University of Technology. The owner of a company specializing in embedded systems and laboratory prototypes. Specialist in designing new constructions, 3D printing, and prototyping electronic devices.
Radosław Puakowski
Radosław Puakowski
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandGraduate of econometrics with statistics from the University of Gdansk. Has worked as a data analyst in marketing research agencies for twenty years. Experienced manager of a data processing team. Enthusiast and practitioner of agile management. Actively and persistently seeks new ways of development.
expandHas hundreds of processed projects to his credit. His professional interests are focused on analytics and programming with a particular focus on conjoint analysis applications. He practically uses Scrum and Kanban techniques in managing his team. He is relentless in his efforts to analyze everything better and faster.
Jacek Mielnik
LecturerMarcin Jerzynek
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandOwner of a training company (www.contentum.com.pl), HR Business Partner, trainer, consultant, coach accredited by the International Institute of Coaching & Mentoring and IBD Business School. Author of dozens of implemented business development strategies and employee evaluation systems. One of the pioneers in Poland of training in the field of commercialization of scientific research, technology transfer and protection of intellectual property. Manager of incubation in science and technology parks. Has extensive experience in conducting training in hard and soft skills (more than 13,000 hours spent in training rooms).
expandI’m curious about
expandIn my teaching work, I am most interested in inspiring students. We carry out class programs, learn the literature and at the same time all the time try to translate the learned content into practice. Since you can most often find me teaching Business Model Canvas, management strategy, elements of project management or distributed project team, it is in these areas that we think together about how to break the status quo, how to design services, plan activities to actually manage creatively and become a source of inspiration. It is substantive and always fun. I believe that knowledge can be transferred in a professional and accessible way.
Department of Management
Izabela Grabowska, Phd
Izabela Grabowska, Phd
Head of the Department of ManagementexpandAbout me
expandHR specialist with many years of experience in implementing the organization’s personnel policy and strategies; consultant, lecturer. He specializes in designing and implementing dedicated incentive systems in the small and micro-enterprise sector. Advising on recruitment processes in companies from the B2B sector. Consulting in the field of process changes in the area of HR in a listed company. Author of publications in the field of human resource management, with particular emphasis on human capital in the processes of organizational changes.
Marcin Chłodnicki, PhD
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandA leading Polish specialist in the field of legal services marketing, advisor in the field of image, quality and shaping the legal practice with the client. Member – founder of Service Design Poland. Lecturer at Collegium Da Vinci and Poznan University of Economics and Business, member of the Service Design Network, European Academy of Marketing and co-founder of SDN Poland (Service Design Network Polish Chapter), one of the pioneers of the service design trend in Europe. He created a service design management methodology for the Institute of Industrial Design. He sat on the jury of the Good Design competition. He is the author of several dozen scientific articles, guidebooks and several books.
expand“I graduated from a piano music school and now I play keyboards in a rock band, from time to time. I am also a player of the ice hockey team that takes part in league games, fortunately without great success. The gym torments me more than lectures at the university. “
Katarzyna Walkowiak - Markiewicz, PhD
Katarzyna Walkowiak - Markiewicz, PhD
LecturerAbout me
expandExperienced manager, trainer, consultant and academic lecturer. He has over 20 years of experience in business. She gained experience in managerial positions in financial corporations and in consulting as well as working as an academic lecturer (doctoral thesis in the field of service quality. Specialization: marketing strategies, voice of customers, marketing research, customer service processes, marketing planning, strategies in trade.
expandHe specializes in strategic and process consulting: quality management and customer experience (voice of cutomers) as well as in quantitative and qualitative marketing research and their application, among others in measuring the effectiveness of the marketing strategy in enterprises.
expandFor many years, he has been running strategic projects as well as business workshops and training. Co-author of books (Fundamentals of marketing – exercises for students of economics, Perspectives for the development of the furniture industry in Wielkopolska) and numerous Polish and English-language publications on issues related to customer experience, voice of customers, marketing research, quality management.
expandHe combines comprehensive scientific knowledge in the field of marketing, marketing research, strategic management, project and quality management with practice. A graduate of marketing and a doctor of economics since 2004.
Danuta Krzemińska, PhD, DSc, ProfTit
Danuta Krzemińska, PhD, DSc, ProfTit
LecturerAbout me
expandFor many years I have been associated with the University of Economics in Poznań and the Department of Corporate Finance.
expandMy education consists of: obtaining the title of professor of economic sciences for a book, Credibility of a contractor in a trade credit (2007), a postdoctoral degree in economic sciences for a book, The financial importance of enterprise responsibility in contractual relations (1995) and a doctoral degree (1980). I focused my research interests on the finances of small and large enterprises, the operation of trade credit and financial liquidity management. Scientific achievements of over 100 items include books, book chapters and articles. It mainly relates to research conducted in enterprises with the use of questionnaires. In addition, I wrote several reviews of doctoral dissertations, several habilitation theses and the academic title of professor. I received the awards of the Rector of the University of Economics in Poznań for a professor book (2006), a postdoctoral book (1995), and the Team Award of the Minister of Science and Higher Education (1986). I participated in research projects. Financial management (since 2008), Managing current assets in the enterprise (2008), The importance of sources of short-term financing of the enterprise (2004) and the capital strategy of the enterprise (2000). I have participated in many national and international conferences.
Marcin Jerzynek
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandOwner of a training company (www.contentum.com.pl), HR Business Partner, trainer, consultant, coach accredited by the International Institute of Coaching & Mentoring and IBD Business School. Author of dozens of implemented business development strategies and employee evaluation systems. One of the pioneers in Poland of training in the field of commercialization of scientific research, technology transfer and protection of intellectual property. Manager of incubation in science and technology parks. Has extensive experience in conducting training in hard and soft skills (more than 13,000 hours spent in training rooms).
expandI’m curious about
expandIn my teaching work, I am most interested in inspiring students. We carry out class programs, learn the literature and at the same time all the time try to translate the learned content into practice. Since you can most often find me teaching Business Model Canvas, management strategy, elements of project management or distributed project team, it is in these areas that we think together about how to break the status quo, how to design services, plan activities to actually manage creatively and become a source of inspiration. It is substantive and always fun. I believe that knowledge can be transferred in a professional and accessible way.
Mateusz Mikutowski
LecturerexpandAbout me
expandHe gained his professional experience early on during his studies, working as an analyst at a company supporting a VC fund. He currently works as a Consultant at CMT Advisory, where he is involved in supporting transaction processes, preparing company valuations, conducting market analyses, and financial modeling. He combines practical business experience with academia, as he is the author of numerous scientific publications and holds a PhD in Economics and Finance, which he obtained in 2021 from the Poznań University of Economics. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the Poznań University of Economics and also teaches at other universities, offering courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, as well as specialized postgraduate studies. He derives great satisfaction from teaching both advanced financial subjects and providing students with fundamental knowledge about the functioning of the economy and finance. Outside of work and academia, he spends a lot of time bouldering, a more strength-oriented form of rock climbing on several-meter-high walls without the use of ropes, and can often be found at climbing walls in Poznań.
Jakub Wierzbicki, Phd
LecturerAbout me:
expandDoctor of Social Sciences in the field of psychology.
expandI am a graduate of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (2007 – Master of Pedagogy: Career and Personal Counseling, 2010 – Master of Psychology: Work and Organizational Psychology). In 2012, I completed postgraduate studies in Human Resources Management at Adam Mickiewicz University, and in 2024, postgraduate studies in animal psychology. I defended my PhD in psychology at the University of Gdańsk in 2017. I am interested in issues related to social psychology, work and organizational psychology, competence development and statistics in social research.
Curious about:
expandI love musicals and I really enjoy reading biographies. I have three adopted dogs: Boss, Rolex, and Ast.