Tutoring - Collegium Da Vinci Poznań
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Discover your talents and develop your strengths on tutoring at Collegium Da Vinci

At Collegium Da Vinci, we believe that everyone has an individual and unique potential, the development of which is the shortest way to mastery, success and life fulfillment. We support our students in discovering, strengthening and using their natural predispositions in practice.

That’s precisely why, following the example of the renowned universities of Cambridge and Oxford, at Collegium Da Vinci we have implemented the method of individualized work with students – tutoring.

“What would happen if we studied what is right with people instead of focusing on what is wrong with them?”

Donald O. Clifton, American psychologist, educator, writer, researcher and entrepreneur, co-founder of the theory of talent

Tutoring at CDV is a process of supporting the development of students by strengthening their independence, efficiency and responsibility for their education. The program implies work in small groups and individual meetings of the Tutor and the student. It focuses on the strengths and goals of the student. Tutoring is a time for building self-awareness and reflect on further development – professional, scientific, personal and social.

  • As a first-year student at Collegium Da Vinci, you will complete the Gallup survey – Clifton StrengthsFinder® (market value $ 19.99) and the Insightful Profiler ™ test for free as part of the tutoring program.
  • You will analyze the results of both tests with the tutor`s assistance.
  • You will determine your own development goals for the duration of your studies.
  • During your studies, you will develop your strengths through tutoring and subject classes with the support of a tutor and other lecturers.
  • Clifton StrengthsFinder® of the American Gallup Institute, also known as the Gallup Poll– a unique tool for the diagnosis of talents and strengths, which will help you to get to know yourself, how you operate, what is your advantage, in which you can achieve above-average results. Over 10 million people around the world have already been tested with this tool.
  • Insightful Profiler ™ test (iP121) – a Polish psychometric tool that allows you to learn about your needs and the related factors that motivate and demotivate you to work, determine your individual potential to develop key professional competences, learn about internal limitations for successful professional development, define distinguishing features of You compared to other people and define natural roles in the team.

Students about tutoring

Tutors at CDV

We have 37 certified tutors in all fields of study, graduated from the best Tutor School in Poland,-Collegium Wratislaviense

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