Rector of Collegium Da Vinci at the conference Open Eyes Economy Summit 2024 - Collegium Da Vinci Poznań
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Rector of Collegium Da Vinci at the conference Open Eyes Economy Summit 2024

Marek Zielinski, Ph.D., took part in a discussion on the digital competence of Poles.

On Wednesday, November 20, 2024, the Rector of Collegium Da Vinci, Marek Zieliński PhD, participated in the discussion panel “Digital Competencies of Poles” during the 9th edition of the Open Eyes Economy Summit in Kraków. The event gathered opinion leaders from business, politics, academia, and culture, who jointly addressed key topics related to Europe’s future, ethics in public life, and digital challenges.

The Rector of CDV, together with Anna Panek, a board member of Sooney Finance, debated the critical challenges in shaping digital competencies within Polish society. It was emphasized that Poland lags behind the EU average in both basic and advanced digital skills. Attention was also drawn to the insufficient representation of ICT specialists in the labor market and the low, though EU-comparable, participation of women in the technology sector.

The importance of education as a key tool for fostering the development of digital skills was highlighted. As noted during the panel, despite ongoing efforts, the data clearly indicates the need to continue and intensify initiatives supporting the development of digital skills, especially in the context of global technological transformation.

The Open Eyes Economy Summit is an international platform for exchanging ideas, which this year brought participants together at the ICE Kraków Congress Centre. For the ninth time, OEES became a space for sharing insights on current economic, political, and social issues. The event attracted politicians, economists, local government officials, experienced managers, as well as representatives of organizations and enterprises united by the challenges facing contemporary Europe.

The overarching theme, “The Soul of Europe,” explored in many discussions, encouraged reflection on the future of Europe, its identity, and the values shaping it. A wide range of current economic, political, and social topics were addressed, including ethics in public life, future competencies, green transformation, sustainable investment, the digital transformation of cities, and landscape protection.

Collegium Da Vinci proudly supports initiatives promoting development and innovation in education and technology.