CDV in the project Service Design Winter School 2024: Malta - Collegium Da Vinci Poznań
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CDV in the project Service Design Winter School 2024: Malta

A report on the participation of Collegium Da Vinci students in an international project in the heart of the Mediterranean.

Service Design Winter School Malta 2024

In November 2024, a group of 10 students from Collegium Da Vinci had the unique opportunity to participate in the prestigious Service Design Winter School project in Malta, organized by Thomas More University in Antwerp. This exceptional event brought together approximately 60 students from across Europe, representing universities from Germany (OTH Amberg-Weiden), Belgium (Thomas More University), the Netherlands (HAN University of Applied Sciences), Spain (University of Girona), and Lithuania (Kauno Kolegija). CDV students, enrolled in programs such as Creative Management, Business Manager, Graphics, Mediaworking, and IT Management, worked side-by-side for a week on real business challenges under the guidance of experienced mentors.

Real Business Challenges

The first day of the project began with an organizational meeting, during which participants were assigned to international project teams. Each team consisted of 5-6 individuals with diverse competencies and hailing from different countries. This structure was designed to ensure a variety of perspectives and skills, crucial in the service design process. After a brief introductory and integration session, the teams were presented with two major challenges.

The first challenge involved collaboration with the Maltese freight forwarding company Jet Freight. Following a presentation led by one of the company’s directors, students began an in-depth analysis of the company’s logistics processes. They also participated in a field visit to Jet Freight’s logistics center, where they observed daily operations, conducted interviews with employees across various levels, and identified key challenges.


Service Design Winter School 2024
Service Design Winter School 2024
Service Design Winter School 2024
Service Design Winter School 2024
Service Design Winter School 2024
Service Design Winter School 2024
Service Design Winter School 2024
Service Design Winter School 2024

Methodology and Work Process

After the field visit, teams engaged in mapping business processes, identifying areas for improvement, and creating personas and user journeys. The key challenges addressed by the students included optimizing the use of cargo space in trucks, improving relations with individual clients, enhancing the system for prioritizing shipments, and managing delays and crisis communication.

The second challenge centered on collaboration with the Maltese fire department—Civil Protection Department. Similarly to Jet Freight, students attended a presentation to familiarize themselves with the issues and challenges presented by a department representative. They then participated in a study visit to a fire station, where they observed the training process for new recruits and interacted with experienced firefighters and commanders. Identified areas for improvement included knowledge management processes within the organization, training systems and experience transfer, evaluation methods for operational actions, and internal communication.

Following the empathy and definition stages, it was time to generate solutions. Teams engaged in intensive creative sessions using techniques such as “Yes, and…,” brainstorming, and concept workshops. Developed ideas were prototyped and iteratively refined with stakeholders, allowing for continuous improvement of solutions.

Exploring Malta

Beyond intensive project work, the Service Design Winter School offered numerous opportunities to explore Malta’s rich culture and history. Participants took part in a scavenger hunt in the medieval capital, Mdina; toured Valletta, the current capital and a UNESCO World Heritage site; admired the beauty of Gozo island; and explored one of Malta’s ancient temples, Ħaġar Qim.

The project concluded with final presentations of the developed solutions to company representatives and an international jury. Students not only delivered practical solutions to real business problems but also enriched their portfolios with a unique international project, honed their design thinking skills, and established valuable professional connections.

Student Experiences

“Personally, I was captivated by Malta’s incredible architecture and stunning views of the Mediterranean Sea. Additionally, I highly value the experience of working in an international team; I consider this competency extremely useful for building my future career path.”
Aleksiei Yunevich
Student Collegium Da Vinci


The Service Design Winter School Malta 2024 would not have been possible without the support of the Erasmus+ program and the involvement of business partners—Jet Freight and Civil Protection Department, to whom we extend our heartfelt thanks. Special recognition is also due to the project supervisors—Dr. Marcin Chłodnicki and Dr. Klaudia Młoda-Brylewska, whose substantive and organizational support was invaluable throughout the process.

This exceptional project not only equipped Collegium Da Vinci students with practical skills in service design but also fostered the development of intercultural competencies, so vital in today’s globalized business environment. The Service Design Winter School Malta 2024 will undoubtedly remain an unforgettable experience for all participants, serving as inspiration for further development and international collaboration.

Author: Mikołaj Sobieraj, Master’s Student in Creative Management